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The Ground Exhibition

The exhibition installation echoes the subjects and materials on view. The modulated and augmented installations playfully reveal the functional understanding of screen-based objects; televisions, tablets, and handsets. The way in which the Samsung screens are displayed reinforces the notion of multiple perspectives and diverse object usability.

When entering the gallery space, the visitor is situated in front of a suspended tablet wall. The screens are placed in a grid pattern and are choreographed with moments of primary colours. These colours, signify the magazine’s internal conceptual framework where colours act as connections between different content. A large screen, situated vertically from the tablet wall, sets the mood for the gallery space. The colour choreography is emitted from LED lights behind this large screen and synced with the tablet wall. Colour generates a continuous unifying flow throughout the exhibition space.

The installations relate to broader categories grouped in themes; by providing topological and colour contexts for the thematic categorization in the magazine, the content of the installations ranges from images of architecture, fashion, photography, cross over and other artwork. At times, the viewer is inserted into the installations, by cameras; this creates a direct and unexpected experience.

Curated and conceptualized by: Saulo Madrid
Exhibition Designer: Junia Jorgi
Lead Responsive Design and Software: Morgan Sutherland
Production Designer: Rowan Burkam
Video Design: Martin Laporte, Milosz Jurkiewicz