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The seamless cycle of disposable digital culture has accelerated the gaze to a glance. Iconography and photography have become as ubiquitous and pervasive in contemporary culture as to become disposable objects themselves. As post-modern cynicism has led to the ceaseless production of unremarkable imagery, many question the relevance of print. EXHIBITION challenges the normative, publishing printed content comparable to the arc of a performance, expressed through ideas of temporality and tactile sensuality.

Weightless is the physical manifestation of the current theme, ‘Silk’. EXHIBITION becomes a continuation of the floating image of the ‘carré de soie’ – the inspirational source for this edition. Semantically, both are metaphors to the physical experience. When referencing an image or a work of art, weightless becomes a multilayered idea. Beyond its materiality, silk embodies the poetic elegance of weightlessness.

EXHIBITION’s first gallery presence is an extension of the publication itself, displaying a multiplicity of pictorial and artistic expressions born from these semantic interpretations of silk and weightlessness. The outcome is one that arrests the gaze; through its sculptural form. The magazine undeniably seeks to become an artifact itself, which eventually participates to articulate a sensual notion between the magazine and its public.

Exhibition Design and Curator: Saulo Madrid
Magazine Founders: Boris Ovini, Gaël, Edwin Sberro
Exhibition Design: Boris Ovini, Gaël Ugo
Public Relations: Edwin Sberro